Jason shares his formula for a homemade spider repellent.

The 5-acre wildspace in southeast Dallas provides respite for people and wildlife.

The 6th annual DFW Solar Tour on Oct. 3 features solar installations at homes, schools, businesses and city facilities. 

Bill Ziske of Allen has created a natural deodorant set to go on the shelves of Whole Foods on Oct. 15.

The frank views that informed his June message to the world on the environment are fueling anticipation. 

Dallas-based Snappy Salads has adopted a number of green initiatives including handing out paper straws instead of plastic.

Republic recycling facility

Local recycling professionals admit that these are challenging times for the industry.

Texas Discovery Garden Solar Array

Texas Discovery Gardens unveiled a new 410-square-foot solar array atop a cedar pagoda, which will serve as the garden’s new Natural Learning Center.

In this video, Jason shows how to repurpose orange peels to make an all natural eco-friendly cleaner. 

Green Tip Guy: Pitch the plastic wrap

In this video, Jason offers an eco-friendly alternative to plastic wrap used for food storage.  

Dolphin Blue logo

Dolphin Blue, which specializes in eco-friendly office supplies, is a local leader when it comes to green businesses.

2015 Nissan Leaf

On Sept. 19, event-goers can check out and test drive dozens of electric vehicles at Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
