Our Facebook Friends' New Years Resolutions

Here is a group of New Year's Resolutions from our Facebook Friends. Please friend GreenSourceDFW on Facebook.

 Harmony Hailey Brown

2012 is about consistency for me. I'll strive to 100% of the time: change all my filters (furnace included) every 3 months, keep all doors closed when not in use, keep my digital thermostat up-to-date with proper pre-settings for each season and schedule changes, use non-toxic cleaners on 90% of my surfaces, continue to upgrade all my CFL's to LED, reduce my carbon footprint by another 10% this year, and look for low-cost renewable energy investment options in Texas's growing renewable energy field.

Wilford Raney
i resolve to ride my bike up more and pick up littered cans and trash

Liz Takacs Newsome
I'm going to switch to compact fluorescent bulbs throughout the house. We already did that in most rooms - just a few left to go!

Mindy Hassell Muellenborn
This year I resolve to use only my filtered water bottles I got as a Christmas gift and to stop buying the plastic water bottles that my family buy all the time.

Serena Debolt
One thing we are focusing on this year is stopping the amount of trash we create. We saw a documentary on a family of 4 that only creates one small kitchen catcher of trash a MONTH. Buying staples in Bulk really cuts down on alot of the packaging we create here at home.

Jaci Norwood
Resolved to USE the reusable bags that often get left in the car. If I don't have them, I will have to carry the "stuff" in my arms or go out and get the bags.

This year I resolve to use only my filtered water bottles I got as a Christmas gift and to stop buying the plastic water bottles that my family buy all the time.

Deeanne Bold

Resolved to compost veg/fruit cuts & peels etc for my flowers, come spring & summer I expect to see some prize winning plants & flowers

Let us know about your resolutions by adding them the comment section below or post them on the Green Source DFW Facebook Page.