environmental activism, nonprofits

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act is one of dozens of protections in the process of being weakened.

Star-Telegram hires environmental reporter

Haley Samsel was hired with help from an Anita Berry Martin grant and the nonprofit Report for America.

Public Citizen says the Texas Railroad Commission​ used the COVID-19 crisis to bail out the oil and gas industry.

State lawmakers slashed spending by more than a third between 2008 and 2018.

See our special coverage for this historic milestone April 18-25.

Some students took creative forms of transportation to high school on April 22, 1970 - including a unicycle.

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The Poor People's Campaign is organizing a bus trip from Dallas to D.C. in June.

The 51-acre parcel next to Tandy Hills Natural Area is being marketed to developers.

Green Source DFW director Wendel Withrow will discuss 'Desert Solitaire' on Feb. 19 in Fort Worth. 
