Movie night! We will furnish popcorn and drinks. If you want, bring you own favorite snacks.

Imagine that a storm blows across your garden and that now, without your knowledge or
consent, genetically modified seeds are in your vegetable patch which you have nourished for
many years. A few days later, a multi-national corporation demands that you surrender your
vegetables -- and files a criminal complaint against you, resulting in a large fine for the illegal
use of genetically modified seeds. And the court rules in favor of the corporation!

David Versus Monsanto is a movie that tells how Monsanto terrorized innocent family
farmers, and how one farmer stood up to Monsanto. It raises the question: What responsibility
do biotech companies have to farmers whose fields they contaminate with genetically modified
organisms (GMOs)?

Everyone is welcome. You don't have to be a Sierra Club member.

Our General Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. but come at 6:30 for snacks, information and fellowship.  Click over to our General Meeting page for more information and a map.

View the movie trailer at

Event Location: 
REI Dallas
4515 LBJ Fwy
75244 Dallas , TX
Phone: 972-699-1687
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 - 6:30pm