Participate in restoration and management activities at this rare blackland prairie remnant. We’ll multi-task with a boundary walk, litter pickup and watching for spring wildflowers.  Photo and birding opportunities too. 

What & why a boundary walk? Since we have battled with invasive trees and shrubs on the west side of the preserve for over 10 years, but the east, more impacted side of the site has remained mostly untouched. As a major step in managing the entire site for restoration, a mowed perimeter has been suggested to allow better access for walking and equipment (if needed) and easier management of wind-dispersed invasive plants. As part of our March Stewardship Day, we’ll walk the preserve’s boundaries and assess what’s needed to establish a perimeter. 

Please wear sturdy shoes or boots and long pants. Weather forecast includes precipitation, so an RSVP is appreciated in case of cancellation due to weather, etc.  

Information, directions, to RSVP:

Event Location: 
Blackland Prairie Nature Preserve
4907 New York Ave
Arlington , TX
Date and Time: 
Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 9:00am to 12:00pm