The City of Dallas invites you to learn the science of composting.

By composting we can reduce the amount of waste we send to the landfill.

In fact, at least 30% of the material sent to the landfill is organic and could be composted at home.

Composting at home is easy!

Join us for a free class to learn how you can compost in your own backyard.

Spaces are limited so please call us now at 214-671-8134 to reserve your seat.


Learn how your community benefits from good, clean and fair food.

No registration required.

Learn the tricks and tips to starting your garden early with seeds.
February 9, 7 - 8 p.m.
Environmental Education Center
4116 W. Plano Pkwy. 
Cost:  $5  Register

Please join us to celebrate Hanukkah. (Goys welcome!)

We'll provide roast chicken, sweet potato latkes, applesauce and sour cream. Please bring another treat to share.

Describing New York City's first cohousing project, a New York Times article said cohousing speaks to people who want to own a home but not feel lost in an impersonal city. That's how we feel.

And we want to live sustainably, with a smaller carbon footprint. To know our neighbors, grow some of our own food and use our united buying power to support local farmers and dairies. We want to model a more resilient way of life for the DFW metroplex.

We want to live in a diverse community, with old and young, singles and couples, varied backgrounds.

Meeting & Dinner of the Sustainable East Meetup Group -

We will go more into Transition, plan the DVD showing combined with a seed exchange, the sustainability salon and maybe even a homesteading class for January, then just enjoy each other's company.

Square Pointe Grille has amazing avocado enchiladas and a few other vegetarian selections plus plenty of meat choices.

The restaurant is located on the square in downtown Rockwall. Exit I-30 at Hwy 205 and turn left from Dallas, right from Greenville. Stay on Hwy 205 until you reach the square. Square Point Grille is on your left at Hwy 66 west which is one-way to your left. You can park behind the building.

See website for details.

Literary Symposium and Tea for women, benefiting the Dallas Arboretum.

See website for details.



Visit Dinosaur Valley State Park and see the preserved Dinosaur Tracks in the riverbed! After a day of fun, learn the basics of a beloved camping past time - Dutch Oven Cooking! We'll provide all of the camping equipment you'll need for the weekend including a Dutch Oven and instruction on how to use it. Suggested recipes will be provided before the event.

Ages: 5–12 year olds

Cost: $30/child per class; sibling discount $25/each sibling per class 

Preregistration Required

Please dress your student adventurer in long pants,
closed toe shoes and jacket or coat as needed.

All decoration materials are included.
A light animal cracker snack will be provided.

Winter Wildlife Treats: Kids will create healthy, fun, food items that are safe to feed our local animals and birds in the winter. A live animal ambassador will come to visit with the kids. A nature hike on our beautiful sanctuary will highlight the needs of animals in winter.
