You will not want to miss this very special celebration of Earth Day we have for you THIS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, at SMU's Cox School of Busines, Maguire 251, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Come hear an eco-philosopher, Slow Food franchiser, eco-evangelist, green developer and a locavore chef share their stories and innovative ideas.

Each speaker gets only 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide.

Here are the speakers:
Pete Gunter, PhD - Eco- Philosopher
Lone Hunt von Herbing, PhD - Sustainable Fisheries
Andy Buckingham - Slow Food Franchiser
Marie Tedei, Eden's CSA/Farmer
Rev. John Musser - Eco-Evangelist
Jyl DeHaven - Green Developer
Cynthia Potager - Locavore Chef

STAR invites you to share your expertise and information at 

the 14th Annual Recycling & Sustainability Summit

Click Here to Submit Your Abstract or Panel Discussion Proposal Today!

Abstract Deadline: May 27, 2011

The State of Texas Alliance for Recycling presents its 14th Annual Texas Recycling & Sustainability Summit with exhibitors, speakers, and more!  Details at

COST: members: $325, nonmembers: $425, one-day registration with meals: $175.

Free video showing of “Global Gardener” with Permaculture Founder, Bill Mollison. Video features many short clips of Permaculture from around the world at REI, 972 490-5989, Guadalupe Peak room, 2nd floor, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas, 75244, located between Midway and Welch on the north access road to I-635 between Guitar Center and Haverty's.

Come to this interesting, fun, informative, and free talk by noted Permaculture Instructor and Consultant, Dick Pierce. Permaculture is sustainable agriculture, organic gardening, and green building/living at its best. Dick has taught Permaculture Design Courses in Austin and Martha's Vineyard for many years and will introduce Permaculture from 7-8:30 pm. Come early (6 pm) for light snacks and to talk to various nonprofit groups that will have tables here: DFW Ecovillage, Transition Dallas, Dallas Cohousing, Slow Money, Feed Texas First, and several other nonprofits. REI, 972 490-5989, Guadalupe Peak room, 2nd floor, 4515 LBJ Fwy, Dallas, 75244, located between Midway and Welch on the north access road to I-635 between Guitar Center and Haverty's.

Katy’s Picnic is an outdoor picnic and party at Reverchon Park in Dallas (3505 Maple Ave, 75201) for approx. 5,000 people featuring the annual 5k Run, Katy Kids Dash, live entertainment and food stations from Dallas’ best restaurants on Thursday, May 12, 2010, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. The event raises money for the completion and maintenance of the Katy Trail. The Katy Trail is Dallas’s most popular and important park and recreation facility, which runs through the heart of urban Dallas.

5K Run or Walk - $35

VIP Registration - $100

Kids 5K - $10

It's up to each of us to take responsibility for the air we breathe.

Between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on July 7, North Texans will join together in committing to each do at least one thing that will enable us to breathe cleaner air.

One Day, One Choice Gives All a Chance to Breathe Cleaner Air

What clean air choices will you make between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 7?

Join the Coppell Community Gardens and the Cozby Public Library for Composting 101 on Saturday, April 23rd.

This FREE class will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Cozby Public Library (177 N. Heartz) in Coppell.

Diane Lowe, longtime CCG volunteer and current VP of the CCG Board, will
be teaching the class. Please note, portions of this class will be
held outdoors.

Join us for this FREE class on drip irrigation systems. Billy Kniffen will show attendees how to set up a drip irrigation system using both rain barrels and your water supply.

The class will be held at the Fire Training Room, which is located at 133 Parkway Blvd. (on the south side of Fire Station #3).

It is free to attend and open to the public.
