Find out about an ecovillage starting outside of Rockwall that will
be off-grid with solar electricity, solar hot water, rainwater
harvesting, and graywater recycling--all designed to Permaculture
principles and practices. Zero energy homes will be built to your design
and size specifications. Grow all your own food organically and grow
additional produce to sell if you wish. In other words, live sustainably
in an intentional commuity. Everyone owns a home and crop area in
his/her/their own name. Other land (community buildings, pond, workshop,
barn, play areas, wooded area, etc.) is held in in the community's
name. This free talk will cover all aspects of the village via Power
Point and then allow ample time for your questions. 

For more information, email or call
Terry at 972 251-1532 or 817 545-0140

Event Location: 
REI, Guadalupe Peak Room, 2nd Floor
4515 LBJ Fwy
75244 Dallas , TX
Phone: 972 251-1532
Date and Time: 
Saturday, September 24, 2011 - 10:30am