We're moving ahead on a wide variety of exciting plans and opportunities ramping up to expand our outreach and engagement throughout North Texas this year ahead, so if you've been interested in joining the local efforts but haven't known when to jump in, this Saturday is a perfect opportunity!

Here's a few of the highlights from the past month and coming up:

•Our own member, Ed Soph, got his LTE published in the Dallas Morning News this week in response to their article on Exxon's cover-up of climate change. Check out the letter here and write your own in response and support. 

•Additionally, our own co-lead, Jim Moffitt, was interviewed on 102.3 The Breeze two weekends ago at the Dallas Veggie Fest on CCL's efforts to gain national support for a carbon fee and dividend policy. 

•Most excitingly, this coming Tuesday, our own regional coordinator, Ricky Bradley, will be a part of a panel on Climate Change in Texas at TWU. 

For next Saturday, after coffee and cookies over introductions, we'll discuss updates with both our local chapter and then have the chance to jump into action items like confirming details about our upcoming outreach opportunities, reaching out to our local newspaper with Letters to the Editor as well as writing letters to our Rep. Burgess on some of the recent developments in the House.

At noon, we'll tune in for the national call with Dr. Rob Williams, from Resources For the Future (RFF). Dr. Williams will be discussing RFF's recent analysis on the economic impact of a revenue-neutral fee and dividend policy for carbon pricing. Their findings certainly support CCL's efforts and he will also be on the Hill with CCL's lobby day in November to brief members and staff on their research. 

If you can't make the meeting, you can still join the monthly international call at noon from home just follow the link to the dial-in option from home on CCL's main website. We've also included all of the relevant links, information and content in our monthly agenda (click website link below), so you can keep up with our goals even if you can't make the meeting next weekend.

Info: Brett Cease, brettw.cease@gmail.com or 218.766.0830

Event Location: 
Denton Public Library
502 Oakland St
Denton , TX
Date and Time: 
Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 11:00am