Dallas City Council is scheduled to finally vote on a policy to provide recycling services to all multi-family (apartment and condo) residents! We need your support to help make sure the policy passes.

On Wednesday, June 13, the Dallas City Council and Mayor will hold a public hearing and vote on the multi-family recycling accessibility ordinance. (Stay tuned for the specific time of public hearing. It will likely be in the afternoon.)

Residents are invited to speak for up to 3 minutes at the microphone. We strongly encourage you to attend the meeting and sign up to speak or submit a written comment. We also have stickers for you to wear and show your support.

Help us show City Officials that we need recycling no matter where we call home in Dallas!

Info: Corey Troiani, corey@texasenvironment.org 


Event Location: 
Dallas City Hall
1500 Marilla
Dallas , TX
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 - 9:00am to 5:00pm