Description of Individual or organization

Nature's Plate is a plant-based deli and meal-service, providing quick vegan options for all of Dallas. Founded in East Dallas by sisters Annette Baker and Marianne Lacko.

Leadership (Nominee demonstrates leadership through example, knowledge, attitude)

It takes grit to start as a vegan delivery service, making the food in your kitchen and delivering it yourself. Then the need to use a commercial kitchen due to demand. Clients happily shifted to pick-up when they opened a storefront and in-house kitchen in Lake Highlands. Demand required pick-up locations in other parts of town, and now a second storefront is opening in North Dallas. Woman power!

Environmental Impact (Nominee demonstrates a positive impact on the local environment via policy change, product offering, significant volunteer contribution or other achievement):

Everything is recycled or composted, nothing is wasted. Packaging is minimal and recyclable. Reusable totes are encouraged.

Community Impact (Nominee demonstrates commitment to DFW green community through involvement with causes, business ventures or organizations)

The sisters keep quiet about it, but they help a lot of causes. Whenever there's vegetarian consciousness raising event, Nature's Plate is there.

Other reasons for your nomination

Satisfied client since the home delivery days. Proud of these ladies.